What is Your Favorite Meal of the Day?

Breakfast? Tea? Lunch? Dinner? Or all of them?

For me, it’s breakfast. I love love love breakfast food. Eggs, sausages, bread, coffee and cereal. You name it, I like it. Even oatmeal! I even like eating breakfast food for lunch and dinner.

It probably has something to do with my body getting its first meal of the day. Or it could be that most of them are full of carbs. Maybe I just look forward to being fed after 8 hours of fasting.

Regardless of the reasons, I proudly declare my love for breakfast.

3 thoughts on “What is Your Favorite Meal of the Day?

  1. Pingback: Dorset Cereals (I’m Glad I Found You) « Blushing Sugar

  2. It’s definitely breakfast for me, too! There’s just something special about it 🙂 I’ll be super grouchy if I don’t get my breakfast!

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